HOT TAKE: You Can Unravel The Mystery Of College Admissions and ...

HOT TAKE: You Can Unravel The Mystery Of College Admissions and ...

Successfully Help Your High Schooler Own The Process

Without Missing Deadlines Or Letting Things Fall Through The Cracks!

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Does the thought of college applications fill you with confusion and dread?

Yup, avoidance seems like a good idea … but maybe the time has run out and here you are. That was me - frazzled mom with a busy teen, wondering how to start. College admissions is complex, time-consuming, and random. The whole thing is just overwhelming and you don’t know who to ask about it.

Surely the high school will help with this? Right? Do other parents know what they are talking about? How can I help my child navigate the current chaos of higher education during a pandemic?

There has to be a way to make this process easier?

Facts: There are MANY moving pieces and parts all happening simultaneously.



EDUCATION - feel confident after learning about the topics that make up the college application process. Empowered parents, can support their high schooler to own the process.


ORGANIZATION - will be your Superpower! When you store important information, create a personalized system, follow proven processes, and save time, using just one tool!


COMMUNICATION - is the ultimate goal with your teen! Minimize stress, and make it easy to collaborate with your child, by having a common place to manage the process.

here's how i found my "organized" happy ending

With my oldest child a senior, I felt so overwhelmed.

Who does what and in what order? How does it all get done? And geez, my daughter is so over-scheduled - often she is in her soccer uniform as she rushes to choir rehearsal!

High school counselors are busy with many students, and other parents are confused too!

We needed a system to survive! I didn't have "The Home Edit" on call so I built one myself!

There are in fact, many people involved and “all the things” that need to get done. I realized quickly that there was no set order to do the tasks, they all happen simultaneously!

Creating a system turned out to be a life-saver for my family. Plus, it was there and ready to go when the time came for child #2 to go through the process - priceless!

Imagine what life will be like with an organized admissions process?

What you've been looking for ~ a system that educates, organizes and fosters communication!

My signature framework - The Teach in Trello Technique - presents information on-demand by topic, includes a digital filing cabinet, and provides an online tool to collaborate with your child!

- ideal for busy parents & over-scheduled teens


We're A+ Excited to Bring You ...

College Apply HUB

Take the chaos out of college admissions!

not more information . . . the right information

What’s Included in College Apply HUB?


Module One: Introduction

Imagine if a productivity app and an online course had a baby ... yup, that's a thing and its pretty amazing too! In this first module, you’ll get an introduction to this unique COMBO online mini-course and digital organization system ... and why this is so different from other online courses. The system is custom designed in Trello. It's a free tool and so easy to use - if you can use a post-it note you’re almost there.

What We'll Discuss:

  • What is a Mini-Course?

  • Productivity Tool - Trello

  • The Teach in Trello Technique

  • Trello Boards Included in the System

  • Intro to the Calm College Chaos Hub Board

We'll Discuss:

  • Application Platforms & Deadlines

  • Creating the College List & Visiting Campus

  • Interview & Demonstrated Interest

  • Financial Aid & Scholarships

  • Covid Impact on Higher Education


Module Two: Admissions

Here, we’ll do a quick overview of all the pieces and parts involved in college admissions. Applying to college can be complex and often confusing, especially now during covid times. And frankly, it is a random process that can be hard to understand. The goal is to empower you with knowledge, so you can successfully help your student navigate the current landscape of higher education.

Walk Away With:

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  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem


Module Three: Academics

In this module, we will review the different factors that make up the academic part of a college application. The high school course rigor + GPA are of top importance to colleges & universities in the selection process. Standardized testing is an area currently in flux, and we will review the different tests available, as well as breakdown terms such as test optional vs. test blind.

We'll Discuss:

  • High School Coursework & Transcript

  • GPA - Weighted & Unweighted

  • Class Rank

  • Standardized Testing

  • Awards & Honors

We'll Discuss:

  • Common App Essay

  • Supplemental Essays

  • Teacher Recommendations

  • Guidance Counselor

  • Don't Underestimate the Importance!


Module Four: Essays & Recs

Here, we will cover the important topic of application essays - this is an area that can be overlooked by students. They often focus on the academic portion and underestimate the power of a well-written essay. PLUS, having positive relationships with the guidance counselor and teachers helps to receive glowing recommendations, also a crucial part of the process.

Walk Away With:

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem


Module Five: Extracurriculars

This module explains extracurricular activities that can be critical to presenting a powerful application. These can be items done in school such as playing soccer, singing in the choir or acting as class officer. Equally important, are out-of-school pursuits in sports or the arts, as well as community service or paid jobs. What students choose to do in their summers is very important too.

We'll Discuss:

  • Sports, Arts & Music

  • Leadership

  • Community Service

  • Jobs & Internships

  • How to Spend Summer

We'll Discuss:

  • How to Provide Support

  • Giving Guidance to Aid in Decision Making

  • College Visit Road Trip

  • How to Discuss & Manage Costs

  • Celebrate the College Choice With Them!


Module Six: Parents Role

Time to have a discussion about the role of the parent or guardian, in the college admissions journey. It is SO important that the student OWN the process! This is their future and such an important decision they will make. It is crucial to have a loving adult to advise them, and celebrate with them when it is decided! As a parent who not only survived the process, but ENJOYED it, I want that for you too!

Walk Away With:

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

the secret sauce is in the system

Apply HUB Trello Boards

chaos meets order

Keep Calm Education Hub


This is the main CAC board. It includes tons of useful information about “all the things” admissions. Concise info delivered on relevant topics - with no fluff. Pick and choose only what you need!

keep a record, thank me later

High School Highlights


Not a senior yet? This board is genius - keep all the good stuff stored so you will have it ready to go for application season. Like a snapshot of your high school journey. Perfect to share with a younger sibling!

no more hunting all over the place

Senior Locker


For Students Only - Store important application information that you need at your fingertips. No more last minute hunting around for the College Board password, that supplemental essay you wrote somewhere, or your resume that still needs editing.

stay on track

Senior Application Planner


Keep on track with a task list for each individual college application. Important dates and deadlines have been added, you just add the ones related to your specific colleges and personal application details.

information you can use

Perfect Primer for Parents


Parents - this one’s for you. The college admissions process belongs to your student, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a role to play. Be informed, understand the process, this is too important to leave to chance!

The goal is to empower you with knowledge

... about the topics you need to know in 2024

and ...

to finally demystify the complexities and randomness of the admission process

plus ...

put a powerful organization system in place for quick access to details when needed

without ...

nagging your teen even if they are over-scheduled, and you are busy with a job or other children

You can't afford not to be informed about the college search process, this is such an important decision that will impact your child's future.

It is a one shot deal ... there are no do-overs.

all-in-one hub

The secret sauce here is that CAH is primarily a digital organization system with 2 purposes: First, it takes a deeper dive into the details of many important admissions topics. Second, the system serves as a digital file cabinet to keep important application information saved, so no more hunting all over the place.

knowledge is power

The cards in the Trello board contain short, bite-sized instruction on important college application topics, with no fluff. There are NO long modules to sit through, NO homework - you can't fall behind! PLUS, being informed enables you to make sound decisions about when -or- if to hire a college consultant.

repeatable processes

The system guides you to create a process for applying to each college or university without reinventing the wheel every time. Best of all, this will be a system that can be referred to over and over again. Imagine what a huge time saver, to have this as a blueprint to follow for your next child! Priceless!

The one where you enjoy this time with your high-schooler, and remain "friends" ...

  • WITHOUT HAVING TO CONSTANTLY NAG (ain't nobody got time for that)
  • WITHOUT HAVING TO RELY ON OTHER PARENTS (news flash ... they are confused too)


This is the STUDENT'S Process, Let them Own it!

Keep Important Information Organized With Just ONE Tool.

Trello Keeps You On The Same Page!

that's not all . . .

Plus Extra Cool Bonuses

don't underestimate the power of the essay

Write It Right Essay Tips


The essay component is hella important! This is the place to distinguish yourself, to share who you are and what makes you special. Check out these helpful tips to write the "right" essay to tell your unique story!

so many factors to consider

Best Fit College Checklist


Use this fun checklist - consider the choices that speak to you in many different aspects of the college choice. The most important thing in this whole admissions journey is to find the best fit school for you!

stop wondering about how to get started

30-In-30 Jump Start


Overwhelmed with this whole process? Not sure where to start? This checklist is made for you - it gives your student 30 things you can do in 30 days. These are short, simple tasks to to give you a jump start!

take the road less chaotic

College Apply HUB


valued at

hub 2023 edition start here


keep calm education hub


high school highlights


senior locker


senior app planner


perfect primer for parents


BONUS #1: write it right essay tips


BONUS #2: best fit college checklist


BONUS #3: 30-30 jump start





Total Value = $743

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price = $47


hub 2023 edition start here $47

keep calm education hub $197

high school highlights $97

senior locker $97

senior app planner $97

perfect primer for parents $97

BONUS #1: write it right essay tips $37


bonus #3: 30-IN-30 JUMP START $37

VALUED AT = $743

Total Value = $743

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price = $47

Dorothy Oken Mom of two high schoolers

“Wow, it was such a relief to be able to learn about the admissions process and feel confident to help my teen. The system organized the process and decreased the stress.”


Special Introductory Price!

SIGN UP TODAY! The Common App goes live each year on August 1st! Your student needs to be ready! I know first hand the roller coaster of admissions, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare or a massive time suck.

An organized admissions process can be the DIFFERENCE between getting into your dream school, and losing that chance by missing deadlines or rushing essays. Don't try to do it alone! Let me help you put a proven process in place to help you and your child!

knowledge is power

Cool Calm & Collected

No Hassle Guarantee

I promise this system will free you from confusion & chaos. But the best part is… you don’t even have to believe me!

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the program, the system, the tips or the support within 14 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

That means you can PURCHASE TODAY, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the FULL 14 DAYS to explore the system, and experience the calmer vibe and THEN… make a decision using the information YOU HAVE, rather than the information you don’t.

Here's what they have to say

Real Parents Like You

summary of their result

Dorothy Oken

“A really strong testimonial that confirms the transformation that is waiting.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget nisl blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Sed egestas leo nulla, eget ultricies ex finibus ac. Nullam.

summary of their result

Sondra Patton

“A really strong testimonial that confirms the transformation that is waiting.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget nisl blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Sed egestas leo nulla, eget ultricies ex finibus ac. Nullam.

if an expensive consultant is not in your budget, don't worry . . .

being informed and organized WILL BE YOUR SECRET WEAPON.

The journey to college has both ups and downs. CALM comes from understanding the process, and having a way to manage all the data. Better communication with your child is the cherry on top!

The ultimate goal is a big celebration at the end! I will NEVER forget the feelings of joy and excitement when my children got accepted to their first choice schools.

I am not a college consultant, I am a parent just like you - and that is a good thing! I’ve been in the trenches, where you are now, and come out the other side!

let's recap

College Apply HUB


valued at

hub 2023 edition start here


Keep calm education hub


high school highlights


senior locker


senior app planner


perfect primer for parents


bonus #1: write it right essay tips


bonus #2: best fit college checklist


bonus #3: 30-in-30 jump start





Total Value = $743

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price = $47


hub 2023 edition start. here $47

keep calm education hub $197

high school highlights $97

senior locker $97

senior app planner $97

perfect primer for parents $97

bonus #1: write it right essay tips $37

bonus #2: Best fit school checklist $37

bonus #3: 30-in-30 jump start $37

VALUED AT = $743

Total Value = $743

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price = $47

let's spill the tea

Got Q's? Here's the A's . . .

Is this program meant for the student or the parent?

Good question - It's meant for both!

There is education for both teens and parents. Being informed will help you provide the best support & guidance for your child. Some resources are just for the students.

Best of all, the system is a communication tool that can be shared by the student and parent, keeping them on track and on top of all the deadlines. No nagging required!

Is this an online course?

Imagine if a productivity tool and an online course had a baby. That new bundle of joy is what we have created in Trello.

My signature framework is the “Teach in Trello Technique”. It provides bite-sized, easy to consume education on a myriad of college admissions topics that can be referenced on-demand if & when you need the information.

Often, online courses are purchased and never finished. This is different!

Do I need to use a special program to use the system?

Yes, you will use Trello!

Trello is free and easy to use! It will organize information by topic, like using folders in a file cabinet. Plus, it can be accessed from a phone, tablet or laptop - so it goes anywhere with you.

Do I need this if I plan to hire a college consultant?

You need it even more! Knowledge is power when it comes to hiring a college consultant. There are many available choices out there, with all different areas of expertise and focus.

Understanding the process will help you make an informed decision about where your student needs help, and ensure that you spend your money wisely.

Is everything available immediately?

Absolutely! It is all there and ready to go. The START HERE board contains all of the CAC boards and bonuses. It will give you the instructions you need to get going!

You will begin by loading all the boards into your Trello account. From there, you can start to populate and personalize the system!

Can I share this with a friend?

Your purchase of College Apply Hub gives you a SINGLE USE LICENSE for yourself only.

According to our Terms of Use, it cannot be shared. However, we would love it if you mentioned it to a friend with a college-bound high school student who could benefit from it too!

How is College Apply HUB different from other programs?

First of all, CAH is the ONLY course + organization system, designed exclusively for college admissions, built in Trello!

It is an online system dedicated to organizing application info at your fingertips, for easy retrieval when needed.

The added bonus is the no-fluff instruction provided on relevant admissions topics - that you get to pick and choose if/when you need it.

How much time is required?

Applying to college is a big process!

And believe me, I get it. We are all busy! However, implementing effective systems & processes will save time and increase productivity on the daily.

So, building out a system is the first step, and it will pay dividends many times over - just imagine not having to scramble to find the password to the college board account or the deadline info for that dream school.

What if I don't know how to use Trello?

No worries! Believe me, If you can use a sticky note, you're almost there! PLUS, There is Trello Training included in the CAC Start Here Trello board.

In fact, I will bet that Trello will become your new bff for managing other areas for your home and family as well.

What exactly is inside College Apply HUB?

The system contains 6 custom-designed Trello boards + bonuses. The main instructional content is presented in the Education Hub and the Perfect Primer for Parents.

The emphasis is less on “finishing” a course, and more on building a personalized system to store important application information in a central hub for quick access when needed.

How long will I have access?

The complete CAH system -- including the Trello boards and bonuses -- is available immediately the day you purchase the system.

All of the boards will be loaded into your personal Trello account. You will have the the system for as long as you choose to have Trello.

What if it's not what I expect?

No problem, there is a Money-Back No Hassle Guarantee!

You may request a refund within the first 14 days, if you do not find this helpful for the college admissions process with your child.

I am here to help! Please email me with any questions at [email protected].

College Admissions is a roller coaster ride, and a simple system can MAKE ALL the Difference in helping your child get accepted to their Dream School.

There are less than 52 Saturdays ...

that you will spend with your senior before they leave for college

priceless ...

This is a year of making memories with your child that you will cherish forever.

goals ...

You can avoid the stress, last minute scrambling, and missed deadlines.

truth ...

Don't go it alone - let's make this last year with your child a happy one for both of you!

get started today! make organization your superpower!

College Apply HUB


valued at

hub 2023 edition start here


keep calm education hub


high school highlights


senior locker


senior app planner


perfect primer for parents


bonus #1: Write it right essay tips


bonus #2: best fit college checklist


bonus #3: 30-in-30 jump start





Total Value = $743

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price = $47


HUB 2023 edition start here $47

keep calm education hub $197

high school highlights $97

senior locker $97

senior app planner $97

perfect primer for parents $97

bonus #1: write it right essay tips $37

bonus #2: Best fit school checklist $37

bonus #3: 30-in-30 jump start $37

VALUED AT = $743

Total Value = $743

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price = $47

@ copyright 2024 beth kunkle LLC

all rights reserved | PRIVACY | Terms of service

for support ISSUES or questions -

PLEASE email [email protected]